Website Development

What is Website development :

Website development is the job concerned with creating an electronic interface that connects the company with its customers on the Internet, in a way that is commensurate with the nature and field of its work, in order to achieve its objectives. Website design is generally done by a team of specialists in computer programming languages to program databases, design specialists to draw the site's visual interfaces, in addition to content specialists to formulate all the website's writings. Professional websites need a professional electronic design team to get the best result.


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  • Gathering Information
    Information is collected from the client regarding the nature of their business, their industry sector, the desired objectives of the website, in addition to the features required on the website and the desired designs
  • Research and Study
    The research and study process is carried out on the client's industry sector and the activities they engage in. This involves studying markets, competitors, and potential clients within the client's business field
  • Planning
    Plans are drawn up based on the information gathered from the client and the insights obtained from the research and study phase. These plans are aimed at achieving the client's objectives and clarifying the workflow process
  • Programming and Design
    Programmers work on coding using a programming language chosen for building the website. They also write its database rules, in addition to designing interfaces for buyers and users
  • Support and Development
    After completing the website in its entirety, a period of technical support and development is provided to meet the client's needs for modifications and to address any emergencies that may arise during the launch phase

We offer you website development services

Free Hosting

Suitable free hosting for websites for a full year

Logo Design picture

Unique custom logo design for your online store

Multi Design Choices

Multiple options for website design, including layouts for sections, menus, and pages for you to choose from

Multi Design Choices

Online Payment

Technical Support

Technical Support, Customer Service, and Project Monitoring for a Full Year

Multi language

Multilingual Support

SSL Certificate

SSL Security Certificate

Data Entry

Content Input for Websites, Including Sections and Descriptions for Each

Mobile Application

Android and iPhone App Development

SEO & Responsive

SEO Friendly & Responsive

Build Any Idea You Want

Build any Ideas

The importance of websites :  

Designing your website is no longer a kind of luxury that was carried out by large business owners only, due to the technological development in our current time, as mobile devices have become the most used tools in our time, as it is almost a part of our bodies, as it is in the hands of all of us, young and adults, if not one phone two and three. And here lies the importance of the website, which is the capability of reaching potential customers in a few clicks away on a computer or phone screen. The website is your platform on which your products or services are displayed, as is the case for sales stores or service offices. It is even better than traditional stores or offices as the website allows you to reach customers all around the globe, away from being restricted within a specific geographical area. It also facilitates and speeds up the process of communication with customers. And targeting them with advertising campaigns. In addition, the costs of website design are cheaper in relation to their importance and usefulness compared to stores and offices that are expensive for rent and utility expenses.

From another perspective, you will not find today a reliable company without a website, as the website has become a necessity to confirm the company's reliability and professionalism in all areas of business.

The website is a necessity for business development and expansion, and it may be an opportunity to create work and achieve wealth from a simple idea to a huge empire, as is the case in many of the largest companies of our time that started from just a website.

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ما هي أنواع المواقع الإلكترونية

What are the types of websites :  

There are many websites where websites are divided according to their function or the intended purpose for them, due to the different types of businesses and companies, or the websites might be mainly non-profit and affiliated with ordinary individuals, but we will confine ourselves to mentioning the most important and famous types of websites:

  1. Introductory websites: It is one of the most famous and common websites whose aim is to introduce the company in general and its field of work in order to increase its reliability and increase its reputation.
  2. Online stores: These are the sites through which sales are made directly to the customer, such as a regular store. Products are displayed on the online store, accompanied by product information, details, and price, where the customer can access the website and shop from it, such as Amazon.
  3. Service sites: These are the sites on which the services provided by the company are presented to its customers, which provides an opportunity to learn about services and the possibility of purchasing them and communicating with the customer directly, such as consulting sites.
  4. News websites: From what is clear from the name, they are websites that publish news and information according to their specialization, such as sports, political and other websites.
  5. Entertainment sites: These are sites that publish many forms of entertainment content in order to obtain the largest number of visitors and followers on the site, such as many websites of games, movies and series platforms.

6. Communication platforms: It is one of the most complex and largest types of websites, where a platform is built to be the field of communication between the participants in the platform, and the types of platforms differ according to their content, such as social, such as Facebook, and business, such as LinkedIn.

How is the website designed ?  

First of all, correct communication with the customer is an important basis for understanding the purpose of his website, as it is the cornerstone on which the website will be built. The type of site to be designed is determined, and then the database plan is laid out, the foundation that will draw the structure of the informational site, the features and information that will be placed on the website and the method of linking them. On the basis of this plan, the work of coding begins in the backend of the website, at the same time on the level of designers which work on the frontend of the website, work is process on the website’s backend and frontend in a proportionate and harmonious manner on the website’s functions and features, in addition to relying on the design’s visual identity in terms of colors and visual elements in order to be attractive to the customer. As for the written content, it is prepared by specialists so that it is brief, useful and expressive to attract customers and convey the company's message.

Teams join hands with each other in the development process to collect, coordinate and complete the website as one integrated project at all levels and test its general performance before handing it over to the customer in full with the provision of modifications and technical support for a period of time.

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Conclusion :

Websites are a necessity of the times in the field of business and services in all fields, as the presence on the Internet has become more important than the physical presence in many fields, and it also provides greater opportunities for business development and success.

The success of the website depends mainly on its design and quality, so it is necessary to seek the help of experts in the field of website development and to choose the best. The process of developing a website is a continuous process, as the website requires continuous development and updating in line with technological developments to keep up with the competition and take advantage of opportunities.

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